Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mi perro se llama Woody (My dog’s name is Woody)

No puedo encontrar el perro anoche. Esto lloviendo y espere tuvo sitio ir. Se lleve una hora temprana para el busco. Vi en manzana donde encontré ayer, pero no perro. Dar vueltas la manzana. Cuando llegue el ultimo lado, vi a termine de manzana. Cuando fui dentro de media manzana, llame suave “perro”. El azoto por ahí, meneado se cola y trote me hacía. Se arrodille y puse el pan en la acera. Él lo olí, pero fue más interesado en amor. Coloco su cabeza junto a mi pierna. ¿Cómo pude resistir? Dije no tocare algún perros de los calles, pero aquí fui rascado la cabeza de este muy apestando muy amable perro del calle. Después, se senté en el bordillo y intente hacer se comer. Pensé, posible, seré salir y comeré. Camine el otro lado de calle a el parque centro y se senté en un banco. Y el perro me segué. ¡Ay!, pensé, !tengo el perro! De nuevo, otra vez, lo colocó el hocico junto a mi pierna. Temí Lorena me matara si traigo un perro a su casa. Por lo tanto, espere hasta que el pose en la tierra, no me mire y empezó caminar a la casa. ¡Oh, no! El me mire y siguiendo. El camina con un flojo, probablemente de una lesión viejo, por lo tanto esta lento. Después dos manzanas, este muy segura el perdí. Sin embargo, camine una ruta indirecta por Casa Lorena.

(I wasn’t able to find the dog last night. It was raining and I hope he had a place to go. This morning I spent an hour searching for him. I looked on the block where I saw him yesterday, but no dog. I walked around the block. When I reached the last side, I saw him at the end of the block. When I reached the middle of the block, I called softly, “Perro.” He whipped around, wagging his tail and trotting toward me. I knelt down and put the bread on the sidewalk. He smelled it, but was more interested in love. He placed his head against my leg. How could I resist? I said I wasn’t going to pet any street dogs, but here I was scratching the head of this very stinky, very sweet street dog. Then, I sat on the curb and tried to get him to eat. I thought perhaps if I left that he would eat. I walked across the street to the central park and sat on a bench. And the dog followed me. Oh! I think I have dog! Once again, he placed his muzzle against my leg. Lorena is going to kill me if I bring a dog to her house! After a little while, he had settled on the ground and wasn’t looking, so I got up to walk home. Oh no! He saw me and is following! He walks with a limp, probably from an old wound, so he isn’t very fast. After a couple of blocks I thought I had lost him. Nevertheless, I took a circuitous route home.)

Anoche, Ana, la amiga de Lorena llego de Tennessee. Su amiga, Ellen, nos unir para desayuno. Cuando Ellen entro en la puerta, cuido para prohibida la entrada de los perros. Mire afuera y esto circa ocho perros. El uno en la medio esto mi perro! Me fundo y trajo su amigos! Sin embargo, resultar Ellen opera un refugio pequeña en su casa y esta parte de red de gentes dan de comer para los perros de los calles. Si, probablemente, los perros su seguido ni me. Pregunte para el perro marrón y muy delgado. Ella dijo se llama Woody porque está muy huesudo.

(Last night, Ana, a friend of Lorena arrived from Tennessee. Her friend, Ellen, joined us for breakfast. When Ellen entered the gate, it was difficult for her to get in because of a bunch of dogs. I looked out and there were about 8 dogs outside the gate. The one in the middle was my dog! He found me and he brought his friends! However, in the end I learned that Ellen has a small shelter, and that she is part of a group of people who feed the street dogs. So, probably, the dogs followed her, not me. I asked her about the skinny brown dog. She said his name is Woody because he is so boney.)

Padre recogió para iglesia por ocho medio con su toda familia en el carro. Estuvi preguntare acerca de Viernes, pero no puede hacer sin sonando reprender y el no paracio me enfadado si lo solté. Vamos por Agua Caliente (en Honduras), donde fui con Carlos de la finca. Hacemos Eucaristía en una iglesia y después todos movieron sus sillas en el círculo para una reunión de negocios. Pasaron por ahí las libretas y trozos desgarrado de papel y discutieron cuando sus reunirán próximo. Después, nos invitaron de una familia de la iglesia para almuerzo. En la mayoría de las pueblas, la instrucción de Paul como todo gentes comen en las suyas casas antes de reuniendo para adorar, tiene sentido perfecto. Pero, esto obviamente una familia más cerca de clase media. Padre agarro el control remoto y encendió futbol. Esto más televisor vi en Honduras. Todo tiempo, pensé acerca de Woody.

(Padre picked me up for church at 8:30am with his whole family in the car. I was going to ask him about Friday, but didn’t know how to do it without sounding scolding. He didn’t seem upset with me, so I dropped it. We went to Agua Caliente (in Honduras, not Guatemala), near Carlos’ farm. We had Eucharist in one church, then afterward, everyone moved their chairs into a circle for a business meeting. They passed around notebooks and torn pieces of paper, and discussed when the next service would be. Afterward, we were invited to have lunch with one of the families from the church. In most of the churches we visited, Paul’s instructions that all the people should eat in their own houses before coming to worship really made sense, as no one had much to share. But this was clearly a middle class family. Padre grabbed the remote control and turned to soccer. This was the most TV I’d seen in Honduras. The whole time, I kept thinking about Woody.)

En La Luna, estuvi de vuelta clase. Con Edwin, practice formar los oraciones usando verbos varios. También, vamos a mercado con dos otra muestras y sus estudiantes. Cuando estuvo en el centro, miro para Woody. Una mujer joven venio la escuela y me pedio. Dijo ha estuvo a iglesia anoche y dijeron ella hable ahí semana pesado. Pregunto si trabajo con common cathedral. “Si,” dije. Entonces, pregunto si conozco Emily Sugg. “! Si!” Emily esta una partidaria más entusiasta de Ecclesia. “Soy hija de ella,” dijo. ¡El mundo es diminuto!

(On Monday, it was back to class. With Edwin, I practiced forming sentences using various verbs. And, we went to the market with two other students and teachers. When we were in the town center, I looked for Woody. A young woman came to the school and asked for me. She had been at church last night, and was told that I had spoken there the week before (She’s the person Padre said would translate for me, but she didn’t know anything about it). She asked if I work for common cathedral. “Yes,” I said. Then she asked if I know Emily Sugg. “Yes!” Emily is one of Ecclesia’s most enthusiastic supporters. “I’m her daughter,” she said. The world is very small!)

Después almuerzo, fui a cibercafé. Termine mi negocios y estudiando, pero necesite esperar para la lluvia parar. Entonces, compre comida para los perros y ponerse en camino mirar por Woody. Busce las manzanas donde el encontré primero y mire un gallo cruzando el calle, pero no Woody. Estuvo me sobrevenio como solo poco raro, si el otra día, salió Casa Lorena a través de la puerta y casi venio cara a cara con el caballo caminando abajo el calle.

(After lunch, I went to the Internet café. After completing my business and studying, I had to wait for the rain to stop. Then, I bought dog food and set out to look for Woody. I searched the block where I had first met him, and saw a rooster crossing the street, but no Woody. This (the rooster) struck me as only slightly unusual, as the other day, I walked out of the house and nearly came face to face with a horse walking down the street.)

Senté en el parque esperar. Encontré cuatro o cinco otra perros, una de cual tan delgado con Woody y ella ha dado el pecho. De todo de comida. Mucho personas me do las miradas loco, pero continuando pensar, “Igualado los perros comió las migas debajo de su mesa.”

(I sat down in the park to wait. I met 4 or 5 other dogs, one as skinny as Woody and she had been nursing puppies. I gave away all the food. Many people looked at me like I was crazy, but I continued to think, “Even the dogs eat the scraps from under your table.”)

Esta Martes y no mire Woody por dos días. Me duele de corazón por puede que el muerto. Después almuerzo fui al centro y no Woody. En cambio, fui la Internet café, pero la Internet estuvo funcionar mal en Copan todo. Entonces, decidí comprar un billete autobús por viernes. ¿Lo cree; Saldré Copan este Viernes? De aquí, visitare La Ceiba por un día, entonces volare por San Francisco en domingo. Estuve afortunada compra no solo un billete a La Ceiba y San Pedro Sula, pero también volver al agente explicar mi cometi un error. Realmente, no necesito ir San Pedro Sula terminal, per ala aeropuerto. Por una adicional noventa cinco Lempiras, resuelvo. Mientras tanto, todavía tuve un bolsillo lleno con comida para perros, así que de nueva, otra vez busce por Woody. Después caminando por ahí varios manzanas y espere en el parque, por fin el mire al otro lado del parque. Metí prisa al y llame, “Woody.” El meneo y mi miro como si decir, “?Como tú conoces mi nombre?” De nuevo, otra vez estuvo entusiasta por afecto, pero tan pronto como olio la comida, intentó rasgar abierto la bolsa. Después como la mayoría del montón hice para él, volvo para afecto. Preocupe necesitare el perder de nuevo, otra vez, pero finalmente vago hacia otra parte echarse en la sombra.

(It’s Tuesday, and no Woody for 2 days. My heart aches that he could be dead. After lunch I went to the center and no Woody. Instead, I went to the Internet café, but the Internet was down in all of Copan. So, I decided to buy my bus ticket for Friday. Can you believe it? I’m leaving Copan on Friday! From here I’ll visit La Ceiba for a day, then fly to San Francisco on Sunday. I managed to buy (In Spanish) not only my ticket for La Ceiba and then San Pedro Sula, but also to explain to the agent that I had made a mistake, and actually need to go to the airport rather than the SPS terminal. For an additional 95 Lempiras, that was solved. Meanwhile, I still had a bag of dog food, so set out anew to search for Woody. After walking several blocks and waiting in the park, I finally saw him on the other side of the park. I walked toward him and called out, “Woody.” He looked at me like, “How do you know my name?” Once again, he was eager for affection, but then he smelled the dog food, and tried to rip open the bag. After he’d eaten most of what I gave him, he wanted more affection. I was worried that I’d have to lose him, once again, but finally he walked away to lay down in the shade.)