Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sabbatical Schedule

Wow! This is it! It's really happening!

This Saturday, July 16th, I'll fly to San Pedro Sula in Honduras. Then I'll get a bus for 3 hours to Copan Ruinas to study at the Ixbalanque Spanish School. I'll be staying with a host family - Lorena, Luis and their 3 children (teens, I think). I'll have private tutoring 4 hours per day M-F. I recently connected with Deborah from Louisiana who is a Missioner to Copan. She helped me contact the local Episcopal priest there, Padre Arnaldo. He has 35 congregations! and sometimes the diocese can't afford to pay him. However, it's now the rainy season and some of the roads wash out, so he won't be able to reach all of those congregations for a while. In the meantime, he has lay leaders who care for them. I hope to be able to help him with some liturgical and pastoral responsibilities while I'm there. My first challenge, after finding the bus, and purchasing a Honduran SIM card for my travel phone, will be to call Padre Arnaldo and let him know, "Soy aqui en Honduras," and try to make a plan to meet up with him on Sunday. He doesn't speak much English, and I don't YET speak much Spanish. Pray for me...

Here's the schedule:
16 Julio - 7 Augusto en Copan Ruinas, Honduras
August 7-16 at my seminary class' 11-year reunion in Berkeley, CA
August 16-23 home
23 Augusto - 28 Septembre    Camino de Santiago en Espana
September 28-October 31 home?
November 1 back to work
November 6 - Big Fiesta after common cathedral with Central American food, songs, stories, pictures, and a pinata!